Ramandeep Rattan, PhD

Ramandeep Rattan 


The Rattan lab is investigating the metabolic mechanisms that govern ovarian cancer biology and immune response. To address malfunctioning metabolism in ovarian cancer, her lab uses ovarian cancer syngeneic and xenograft mouse models, diet manipulation, functional bioenergetics, metabolomics, immune profiling, and novel experimental agents to reset immunometabolism of myeloid cells in order to promote anti-tumor immune response and restrain ovarian cancer progression.


Ramandeep Rattan earned a bachelor's degree in Clinical Laboratory Medicine from the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, India, a master's degree in microbiology from the Central Research Institute (CRI) in Kasauli, India, and PhD in Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. Prior to joining Henry Ford Health, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship in ovarian cancer at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.


Dr. Rattan was awarded an NIH/NCI R01 grant to study the impact of caloric restriction on the metabolic regulation of tumor-associated macrophages in ovarian cancer. Previous grants include DOD-CDMRP-OCRP Investigator Initiated Awards, Belinda Sue ‘Making a Difference’ Ovarian Cancer Research Award, Michigan Ovarian Cancer Alliance Award, DOD-CDMRP-OCRP Pilot Award and Translational Pilot Award, Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance Award, Marsha Rivkin Scholar Award for Ovarian Cancer Research and Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation Program of Excellence Award and Scholar-in-Training Award, AACR International Conference. Dr. Rattan has been and is funded by various internal HFH and HFCI grants.

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