As one of the original community campuses for Michigan State University, Michigan State University FlintMed is known for their friendly, professional, and experienced academic and clinical team of administrative staff, directors, faculty, medical centers, and other partners. Delete all of these links
Michigan State University FlintMed educates medical students, residents and doctors in a diverse community setting that serves a significantly large, underserved population which provides unique clinical experiences to our students. To learn more about our student programs, please click here.
Flint Administrative Offices
Jay Holmes, MD
Clerkship Director, Assistant Professor
(810) 262-3147
Fra Thomas
Community Clerkship Assistant
(810) 600-5616
Robbin Auston, BA, BBA
Student Programs Administrator
Brittany Maki
Assistant Student Programs Administrator
200 E. First St.
Flint, MI 48502