Dr Burns's abstract titled, “Spatial Transcriptomics Identified Dysregulated Pathways in Epithelial and Stromal Compartments of Endometriotic Lesions” has been selected for the SRI (Science in the Service of Women's Health) President’s Plenary Award. This award will be presented at the 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, March 21-25, 2023.
The President’s Plenary Awards recognize the four highest ranked abstracts chosen for presentation at the President’s New Investigator Plenary Session II on Saturday, March 25, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The Society has always sought a means by which to encourage young investigators to present their research at our meeting. The award encourages many young investigators to submit high-quality abstracts.
The Society is pleased to offer a new President’s Plenary Awards package for the 2023 meeting which includes the award plaque, $1,000 (USD) as well as a free one-year SRI membership.
In this year’s Manatt Health and the AMA report, “The Fight to End the Nation’s Overdose Epidemic and Restore Compassionate Care: Profiles in Leadership,” highlights the work of more than 25 practicing physicians, policymakers, dedicated researchers and advocates who illustrate how the strategies across these six domains can be turned into reality.
Cara Poland, MD Board-certified Addiction Medicine Physician Cara Poland, MD, MEd, FACP, DFASAM, of Michigan State University's Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology contributed with her article Training future addiction medicine leaders.
Join Michigan State University’s outstanding and unique women’s health research program focused on national and international priorities across the life course and discovery in the areas of basic science, clinical and population science, implementation, and translational science at the interface of gynecology and reproductive biology. Be one of a group of diverse new faculty, working in collaboration with MSU’s renowned scholars in a range of scientific, engineering, biomedical, and public health disciplines in an inclusive culture that supports interdisciplinary research and scholarship.
The Center for Research In Reproduction and Women’s Health Inaugural Symposium was held Friday 10/14 in Detroit, MI and was a great success by many measures. We convened in person to learn of the diverse research topics that spanned the continuum of women’s health. We saw our unique strength of discovery across the boundaries of molecular, cell, epidemiology, public health sciences and clinical services to investigate pressing women’s health challenges. We learned the early benefits our internal funding of pilot projects that have already resulted in NIH grant submissions.